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Paint Booths "Newbies"

If you are new to the concept of a paint spray booths, have a basic understanding, or were simply 'volen-told' to head up the project.....we're can help!

Merchant 1 Manufacturing builds paint booths here (Reidsville, NC) and ship throughout the US.  We can walk you thru the general requirements for a booth and recommend the best fit for your requirements and/or buildings workspace.

**We listen - recommend - spec - quote - repeat as necessary (in that order). ** 

We offer (1) standard size booths and (2) customized booths both with a lead time of 4-6 weeks, and (3) prefabricated booths with a lead time of 1 week.  

So....whether it's one of our standard models, a prefab booth, or a custom sized booth specific to your "footprint" we can make it happen and get an estimate ($) in your hand within 1-2 business days.   

Bottom-line download and review Paint Booths_101 to get a handle on the basics.




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